I started this party like I do every party, on Google Imagine trying to find all the cool things I could print and make. The total cost of this party, food and all, was under $50. I'll start by showing you all the awesome, free, signs and printables I made. First the big birthday sign...
This picture here is the wall behind our couch which is unfortunately empty as we've yet to find any awesome art to go there. It worked out pretty well for this party though :).
The hat and the two foam hands came from our own Texas Ranger collection but the rest I printed myself. Here's a little bit of a break down...
Now this picture down here is a picture of the drop downs I made. I had the three red twirly thingys but they had cupcakes on them, so I took them off and replaced them with printed pictures of my hubby. The best way to avoid cost at a party is to drag out everything you can reuse before purchasing anything.
This is the book shelf, because everything needed to be decorated, of course!
This below is one of two banners I created with the help of Google Image and Power Point. I snagged this lone picture and printing a bunch of it, glued them together, and tapped them to our TV stand.
I did the same thing with this banner, and if you see in the background some extra decoration that was done in a similar way as the first two signs. I also brought out a bunch of pictures of him and the birthday scrap book I've made for him.
Now I wanted to have a special cake ordered for him but it was $100 and he said he wanted that money put towards gifts instead so I pocketed the cash and baked the cake. I did my best to decorate, I'm not very good with artsy stuff, but it meant more to him this way.
So that's my Texas Rangers Bday party, I hope it inspired all those party planners out there on a budget! As always if you've got any questions or need some advice feel free to ask. Good luck and God bless!