This is my daughters first birthday all zebra'd out. I'm going to basically let the pictures tell the tale with a few explanations and tips inbetween.
These pictures are the before pictures of the venue we rented. It was a beautiful pavilion with a playground next to it, lots of shade and a cool breeze.
The first thing I got to work on when I got there was the tables. Make sure you account of the wind, I didn't and the very light breeze nixed several of my table decorations due to their lightness.
Tip #1 Glue the ribbon to itself not the frame that way it slips right off and can be reused!
The jars you see on the tables were completely free! The small jars are baby food jars that I wrapped with ribbon and adorned with a crepe paper flower and glitter. The larger jars are jalapenoe jars and the wine glasses came from my glass cabinet. I filled them with water pearls that sparkles beautifully when the sun shined on them.
Tip #2: If you are planning on keeping your acrylic diamonds, as I was, then pick them up first. The lightest breeze sent those plastic table covers up and my diamonds went with them.
Now on to the food!
This is the canopy I made for the cake. I grabbed a round flower plant holder thingy from HL and through a ton of zebra ribbon, finishing it with some feathers. The cake came from Tango Bakery and was only $60! I bought the crown on top at the DT and the feathers half off at HL.
Here is the cupcake stand I made DIY. They are shoe boxes wrapped in one of the black plastic table clothes. They're being held up by ribbon wrapped toilet paper rolls. I printed the letters for the sign myself on regular paper, cut them out, added some acrylic diamonds for sparkle and done. I baked the cupcakes myself and tossed some cute little pearlized sprinkles on top.
Here's the full table of food. The trays and bowls, which I accented with some zebra ribbon, all came from the DT. I chopped the top of a pinapple for a centerpiece on the fruit tray. There's cheese, meat, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, onions, carats, several types of fruit and off to the side a tone of cookies and other treats. The grand total of the food for this party, thanks to my savy shopping, was $50!
Below is the drink area, I freeze my punch in advance so everyone can get an ice cold drink. The cups came from Party City and I printed the sign myself. It's all accented with diamonds of course, and if you've noticed my small table runners they came in a large chunk of fabric from WalMart. I cut them up and threw them on the table.
Tip #3: The condensation and sweets attracted some extra friends, bees! Totally unexpected. I'm not sure what could have been done about them, but just an FYI if you're having an outdoor party.
Here's the front of the line, the silverwear, that I wrapped in the napkins, are sitting in small boxes. I made those boxes out of tissue paper and popsickle sticks! I glued some pearls and diamonds on some matching ribbon to make them extra fab!

Here they are their jar. This is actually a small fish bowl hot glued to a glass candle stick holder.
Next I personalized some kisses using the same technic. Adapt and overcome ya'll!
Below are some extra pics of some of the decorations I used. This one here is the first bit of stuff I bought before it occured to me that I could make that same sign for next to night. I already had it though and it went fantastic in the trees.
These two signs I did actually make myself. A bit of tape held them up through the whole party.
This is a picture of the crepe paper I used to basically toilet paper this area. I wanted to create a wall effect but the wind was blowing slightly and instead it looked more airy. Still awesome though.
So that's it. Another party down, so many left to go. I hope ya'll enjoyed it and I hope it helps. As always if you need any advice just message me. Good luck and God bless!
So that's it. Another party down, so many left to go. I hope ya'll enjoyed it and I hope it helps. As always if you need any advice just message me. Good luck and God bless!
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